Pope Francis approves the blessings for the same-sex couples

Same-sex marriage is not recognised as ‘normal marriage’

Vatican City – Christian religious leader Pope Francis has granted permission to priests to bless same-sex couples who are married. His goal is to make the church more inclusive. Pope Francis has stated that marriage is a lifelong union between a man and a woman. Linking the blessing of same-sex couples to Catholic celebrations or religious foundations would be incorrect. The Pope has emphasised that if same-sex couples request a blessing, it cannot be denied. However, this does not imply that such marriages are considered valid. Blessing means opening one’s life to God, inviting Him to help lead a good life.

Credits – 5 News

According to information from the media, after the Vatican City’s announcement, people are divided into two groups. Some see this as an important step toward ending discrimination within the Catholic Church. At the same time, experts on homosexuality note that the church regards same-sex marriages as less significant than heterosexual marriages.