The terrorists shot the parents and picked up their babies and kidnapped them

  • Israel posts videos of Hamas’ barbarism
  • Forcing a young child to say ‘Bismillah’

(Bismillah is Allah’s name)

Atrocities against babies and children by Hamas terrorists

Tel Aviv (Israel) – Israel Army has posted forth a video of the terrorist’s barbaric behaviour with the young children. The video shows the incident of 7th October of Hamas terrorist picking up an Israeli baby from the crib and kidnapping him. And it says that the baby’s parents were shot and killed. The video also shows small children being forced to say ‘Bismillah’. At that time a Hamas terrorist can be seen holding an ‘AK 47 assault rifle’.

‘Israeli Defence Force’ added further that in these videos injured children and also crying children can be seen. We will stop only after we defeat the Hamas terrorists.’

On the other hand, US Defence Minister Lloyd Austin said, ‘I know many things about the Islamic State. What Hamas did is worse than all the barbaric deeds of the Islamic State’.