Sanatan Prabhat > Post Type > News > We pay our obeisance a million times on the Birthdays (as per Tithi) of We pay our obeisance a million times on the Birthdays (as per Tithi) of 16 Oct 2023 | 12:33 AMOctober 16, 2023 Share this on :TwitterFacebookWhatsapp Note: Do not wish Saints on their birthday. Instead, offer your obeisance mentally to obtain their blessings. Share this on :TwitterFacebookWhatsapp Latest Articles Radiant Thoughts of Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant AthavaleWe pay our obeisance a million times on the Birthday (as per Tithi) ofAgnihotra : To prevent radiation from destructive nuclear bombs .On the occasion of World Agnihotra Day (12th March 2025)The world is indifferent to rising HinduphobiaVeer Savarkar : The unsung hero of the Indian freedom struggle against the BritishHamas terrorists attend Lashkar-e-Taiba event in PoK