Externment orders issued to 3 Bajrang Dal activists in Karnataka

It is believed that the orders were issued as the activists were trying to prevent cow-slaughter

Mangaluru (Karnataka) –  Mangaluru city Police have issued externment orders to 3 activists of Bajrang Dal. They are accused of beating up a child of the minority community and of protesting against the participation of Muslim youths during the Holi celebration. The order demand an answer to why they should not be expelled from the District. The activists have been asked to appear before the Deputy Commissioner of Police with an answer. The Police will take action after their reply.

Hindutva organisations are enraged over these orders. According to many Hindus, the orders have been issued as the activists were giving information about cow smuggling to the Police. Bajrang Dal’s Chief Puneeth Attavar reacted, “We have been informing the Police about cow smuggling so far; will not do so anymore. We will take action ourselves now onwards. Externment orders have been issued only because the activists provided information about cow smuggling. Are we expected to remain silent when illegal activities are happening in front of us ? There is a Government order against cow slaughter. After informing the Police about cow smuggling, it has stopped, and our activists have been issued these notices”.

Editorial Viewpoints

  • The incident is not surprising at all since anti-Hindu Congress Government is ruling the Karnataka State.
  • Truly, the same Police who display bravery against Hindus, bow down in front of religious fanatics !