Shoaib Jamai of India Muslim Foundation wants Muslims to takeover India

It is worth noting for the Hindus how the fanatic Muslims look at ‘Akhand Bharat’. Hindus should remember this and work towards establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ so as to strengthen their position.

New Delhi – Shoaib Jamai is a self-proclaimed Islamic scholar and Chairman of the India Muslim Foundation. In a video that went viral, Jamai is not only heard spreading canards and peddling false propaganda to berate Hindus, but also heard throwing an open challenge at Bageshwar Dham Sarkar. He dares the Hindu Saint to try if he has the nerve, to turn India into a ‘Hindu Rashtra’.

Jamai added, “I beseech Allah that the day would soon come when India transforms into Akhand Bharat. The day when 25 crore Muslims from Bangladesh, 25 crore Muslims from Pakistan, and 25 crore Muslims from India unite and take over India, then India would have a Muslim Prime Minister and more than 250 Muslims would serve as Members of Parliament.

Then, on 9th June 2023, a video went viral showing activist Subuhi Khan thrash her co-panellist Shoaib Jamai during a live TV debate about the film ‘72 Hoorain’, which depicts the dark face of Islamic terrorism. In the video, both can be seen hurling abuses at each other.

The teaser of the film was launched on 4th June 2023, leaving several Islamists of the likes of Shoaib Jamai and their apologists feeling quite unsettled and upset.

Shoaib Jamai posted a thread of tweets spreading fake things about Hindu religious texts to whitewash the concept of 72 ‘Hoors’ in his faith – Islam. Jamai was a media coordinator of the Shaheen Bagh protests.