Iram Saifi alias ‘Neha’ befriended a widowed Hindu woman; got her gang-raped by Muslim friends

  • ‘The Kerala Story’ from Bareilly (UP)
  • Pressure for conversion by threatening to publish obscene videos

Iram Saifi alias ‘Neha’ (left)

Bareilly (UP) – Two cases of fanatical Muslims abusing Hindus have come to light here. In the first case, a Muslim woman named Iram Saifi alias ‘Neha’ befriended a widowed Hindu woman. Later she called her Muslim friends and asked them to gang rape the widow. Iram’s brother Bablu also molested the widow’s 12-year-old daughter several times. Iram then pressured the widow and her daughter to convert to Islam by threatening to publish their obscene videos. Tired of all this, the widow filed a Police complaint. Police have registered a case in this case. Police are looking for the accused Iram, Bablu and lecherous Muslims.

Iram Saifi pretended to be a staunch Hindu

Iram Saifi alias ‘Neha’ used to dress as a Hindu. She used to post on her Instagram account supporting ‘Hindu Rashtra’. Her father also used to dress like Hindus.

Hindus, beware of these new disguises of fanatical Muslims. – Editor

In another case that happened in Bareilly, Arman, a fanatical Muslim youth pretended to be ‘Akash’.  By wrapping a thread around his hand like a Hindu, he used to molest female students of Dr Ram Manohar Lohia College. When the Hindu organisations came to know about this, they raised their voice against it. Police have registered a case and Arman has been arrested.

Editorial Viewpoint

What do those who say that the movie ‘The Kerala Story’ is a fictional story have to say about this ?  O’ Hindus, know that Love Jihad is a reality and it is happening in your city too. Now is the time to raise your united voice against it and force the Government to make a strict law against ‘Love Jihad’ and ‘Conversion’.