We have not invited Zakir Naik : Qatar clarifies

Qatar’s clarification after India raised an objection !

Zakir Naik

Doha (Qatar)  –  Zakir Naik, who is currently absconding from India was invited to attend the ongoing Football World Cup in Qatar. Currently, he is giving religious lectures in Qatar. India had earlier objected to Qatar’s invitation to Zakir Naik. Now Qatar has provided a clarification on the matter saying that they had not extended any official invitation to Zakir Naik. In fact, this false information is being spread by rival nations to damage the relationship between Qatar and India.

1. When objecting to Qatar, India had said that ‘If Zakir Naik is found sitting in a VIP room watching a football match, then we will have to cancel the visit of our Vice-President Shri Jagdeep Dhankad. But later Dhankhad attended the opening ceremony of the tournament.

2. But the Middle East Media Research Institute in Washington, USA had earlier stated that Zakir Naik had been invited by Qatar for the inauguration ceremony.

Editorial viewpoint

Now who will believe this statement by Qatar ? If Qatar truly had not invited Zakir Naik  then why did he suddenly arrive there ? That too for a game like football ?