Hindus are planning the genocide of 200 million Muslims in India

Destructive anti-Hindu propaganda by Islamist organisations in the US

Minneapolis (USA) – Islamist organisations in the US organise hatemongering events and events targeting Hindus. As part of its ‘Waking Up America Tour’ program ASPAIRE (Alliance to Save and Protect America from Infiltration by Religious Extremists), is organising propaganda events with the help of other Islamic organisations across the USA. One such event is scheduled on 6th November, at the Islamic Centre of Minnesota. The flyer of the event read a hateful article against Hindus – Hindutva the fastest growing Islamophobic threat in the US, planning the genocide of 20 crore (200 million) Muslims in India.

ASPAIRE is an Islamic organisation infamous for spreading hatred against Hindus and Jews. The online post of the event includes the names of Siraj Wahhaj, Dr Shaik Ubaid and Cheik Ahmed Mbareck as the main speakers. While endorsing the event, he tweeted ‘Waking Up America to the dangers of infiltration by religious extremists such as the Hitler-loving violent RSS that is prosecuting Muslims, Christians, Dalits, Sikhs, etc. They are planning a genocide of 20 crore (200 million) Muslims.’ Another speaker at this event, Siraj Wahhaj is a notorious Islamist with global connections.

Demanding action against the organisers – Hindus of the USA

The USA Hindu community is demanding to take strict action against the organisers and stop the Islamist propaganda.

Editorial Viewpoints

  • It is well known who is massacring Hindus through terrorism, riots, love jihad, etc. in India. Such organisations deliberately turn a blind eye to this and defame Hindus by lying and spreading anti-Hindu propaganda.
  • Would the Muslims in India respond to this propaganda ?