Catholic Church to give financial help to the Christians in Kerala having more than 5 children

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  • Realise Brotherhood of Christian’s Religious Institutions.
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Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala) – The Kerala Catholic Bishops’ Council (K.C.B.C.) has expressed concern over the sliding birth rate among Christians in Kerala; but on the other hand, a Welfare Scheme has been announced by the Catholic Church in Kerala. Financial help will be given to Christian families having more than 5 children. The Scheme includes those married after the year 2000. Families with 5 children will be given Rs. 1,500 per month.

K.C.B.C. has issued a notification saying that, in the 1950s, Christians formed 24.6% of Kerala’s population, but now it has reduced to 17.2%. Christians have become the community with the least birth rate of 1.8%.