Ayurvedic medicines that could prove to be useful during the Coronavirus infection

Guidance on the Covid-19 crisis


H.H. (Vaidya) Vinay Nilkanth Bhave

H.H. (Vaidya) Vinay Nilkanth Bhave, also known as ‘Varsaikar Vaidya Bhave’, is a well-known personality amongst the Vaidya community in Maharashtra and Goa. He has served Ayurveda by producing some exceptional medicines at Anantanand Aushadhalaya, an establishment He founded in 1996 at Varsai. H.H. Vaidya Vinay Bhave is Sanatan’s 35th Saint.

Kindly note that the Ayurvedic medicines mentioned in this article should be taken after proper diagnostic tests and the associated Allopathic medicines (if any) as prescribed by the Government. Also, do strictly adhere to the Covid protocols.

Since the diagnosis can differ due to the difference in time, place and the prakruti (Nature) of the individual, it is advisable also to consult an Ayurvedic Vaidya.

1. Preventive Medicines

1A. Sanshamani vati : The ingredients used in the formulation of this vati (tablet) are Giloy, Loha Bhasma, Suvarnmakshik Bhasma and Abhrak Bhasma. Since these ingredients strengthen the immune system, they are used quite extensively during these difficult (Coronavirus) times. This is used for preventing fever, reducing fever (if one already has) and to overcome the associated weaknesses. This helps overcome the post-jaundice weakness. It is also beneficial to cure the fever caused by malaria. Some people take Giloy ghan vati as a preventive measure for Covid-19. However, there is no need to take Giloy ghan vati if one takes Sanshamani vati, since it is more effective when compared with Giloy ghan vati.

Weight : 250 mg; Dosage : 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day (depending upon the severity of the illness) (30-90 tablets for 15 days)

This medicine can be taken as a preventive measure as long as there are Covid-19 patients in the vicinity. Also, there is no harm in taking this medicine even on a regular basis as it is an energy booster.

1B. Mahasudarshan vati : Information on this is given in the subsequent section.

Weight : 300 mg; Dosage : 1 tablet twice-a-day

1C. Shrungarabhra rasa : This medicine enhances the lung capacity and improves the cardiac function. It enhances the capabilities of these organs. It also strengthens the immune system.

Weight : 250 mg; Dosage : 1 tablet twice-a-day (30 tablets for 15 days). It can be discontinued after 15 days.

1D. Gandharv Haritaki vati : This enhances the digestion process and assists in defaecation of any undigested food.

Weight : 250 mg; Dosage : 2-3 tablets (before you go to bed) twice-a-week (8-12 tablets for 15 days)

2. Useful medicines as per various symptoms of Covid-19

These medicines are to be used only if specific symptoms are observed.

2 A. Talisadi churna (Powder) : If one notices symptoms such as cough, excess mucus in the throat, itchy throat then he / she can take this medicine. Since it has sugar as one of its constituents, this is not advisable for diabetic patients, and hence, such patients should take some alternative medicine.

Dosage : 1 teaspoon churna 2-3 times a day to be chewed and swallowed or 1 teaspoon churna to be mixed with 2 teaspoon honey and the mixture to be licked several times a day (90-135 grams for 15 days).

2B. Chandramrut rasa : It has ingredients that strengthen the respiratory system such as Mica (Abhrak) powder. This is particularly beneficial for symptoms such as cough and beathing problems.

Weight : 250 mg; Dosage : 2 tablets 2-3 times a day to be chewed (60-90 tablets for 90 days)

2C. Shrungarabhra rasa : If one notices symptoms such as shortness of breath, reduced oxygen level due to reduced efficiency of lungs and cough, then this medicine will prove to be very beneficial. It enhances the lung capacity and improves the cardiac function. This is to be used if the severity of the disease is moderate to severe.

Weight : 250 mg; Dosage : 2 tablets thrice-a-day (90 tablets for 15 days)

2D. Suvarna Malini Vasant : This contains Swarna Bhasma (Gold ash). As per Ayurveda, this is an excellent antidote (helps get rid of poisonous elements created by various germs in the human body). It strengthens the respiratory system, intestines and organs in the abdominal region. It has also proved quite beneficial during epidemics in which the impact of viruses on human body had become acute during the subsequent stages. It helps in increasing the blood oxygen level. This medicine has also cured patients who were in the last-stage of diseases. Hence, this is one of the lifesaving medicines prescribed by Ayurveda.

Weight : Approx. 100 mg; Dosage : 1 tablet 1-3 times a day depending on the severity of the illness (15-45 tablets for 15 days).

The tablet needs to be crushed and mixed with honey and then to be licked. If the patient is unconscious, then liquid paste should be applied on the inner side of the lips and on the gums. Many Ayurvedic doctors (Vaidyas) prescribe 1 tablet 2-3 times a day during the initial stage of Covid-19 disease. Once the severity of the illness reduces, the dosage can be reduced to just 1 tablet daily. Once cured, it needs to be taken for another 5-15 days (1 tablet per day). This medicine reduces the subsequent aggravation, if it is taken right from the day on which Covid-19 is detected.

2E. Mahalakshmi Vilas rasa : This also has Swarna. It enhances the lung capacity and improves the cardiac function. It gives the skin a glow and increases the blood oxygen level. It is to be taken during the intermediate & advanced stage of the disease.

Weight : Approx. 100 mg; Dosage : Same as that of Suvarna Malini Vasant (15-45 tablets for 15 days).

2F. Tribhuvankirti rasa : This is an anti-Kapha medicine which cures fever.

Weight : 250 mg; Dosage : 1 tablet thrice-a-day to be taken with a teaspoon of honey or ginger juice, if the fever does not reduce; then 1 tablet every three hours (Total 60-80 tablets).

2G. Raspachak vati : It purifies rasa dhatu (component of the body with nutrients and essence) in the human body. Intermittent fever or a fever which does not subside soon is often on account of contamination of the rasa dhatu. Some Covid-19 patients have symptoms of blood clotting. This medicine also prevents blood clotting.

Weight : 300 mg; Dosage : 1 tablet thrice-a-day (45 tablets for 15 days)

Even if the tablets (Raspachak vati) are not available, its ingredients are easily available in the market. The ingredients are Indrayava, Patol and Kutki. A formulation should be prepared by mixing these powders in equal proportion (20 grams each). A pinchful of this formulation can be taken as an alternative to the tablet.

2H. Mahasudarshan vati : This is one of the better medicines for fever. It helps in reducing Pitta dosha (Bile). It is also useful in treating enlarged (or bloated) liver. The fact that it is extremely bitter makes it quite useful in treating high blood sugar and obesity.

Weight : 300 mg; Dosage : 1 tablet thrice-a-day (45 tablets for 15 days)

If these tablets are not available, powder can be taken instead (which is generally available in the market). We can get 50 grams of powder and a pinchful can be taken instead of the tablet.

2I. Jaymangal rasa : This is a lifesaving medicine that has Swarna Bhasma as one of its ingredients. It is useful for a fever higher than 103 degree Fahrenheit.

Weight : Approx. 100 mg; Dosage : For high fever 1 tablet 2-3 times a day (approx. 5 tablets)

At times, fever does not subside despite taking any medicine. Under such circumstances, the Vaidyas typically recommend a dose of 2 teaspoons of Castor oil which is to be followed by drinking some hot water. Based on the experience of some Vaidyas, it causes loose motions for a couple of times after which the fever subsides. The possibility of fever reduces if Jaymangal rasa tablets are given to the patient after the Castor oil treatment. It is advisable to keep drinking hot water if one continues to have loose motions to regain some of the lost strength.

If required, some salt and sugar can be added to enhance the taste of hot water.

After a few watery defaecations when weakness sets in, it is advisable to have soft steamed rice with some salt and ghee.

3. Useful medicines post-Covid-19 recovery

Once the symptoms of Covid-19 subside, the following medicines should be taken over the next 15-30 days.

3A. Lakshmi Vilas Guti : This strengthens the weakened heart and lungs on account of the disease. It gives the skin a glow and boosts sperm count. It also helps in controlling palpitations.

Weight : 125 mg; Dosage : 1 tablet 2-3 times a day (30-45 tablets for 15 days)

3B. Prabhakar vati : This boosts the red blood cell count, enhances the lung capacity and improves the cardiac function.

Weight : 250 mg; Dosage : 1 tablet 2-3 times a day (30-45 tablets for 15 days)

# Note : The dose should be just enough to result in a few watery defecations.