SC : Why is ‘coronavirus’ not mentioned on the death certificate of coronavirus victims ?

Can the Government provide compensation of four lakh rupees to the families of those who have died due to coronavirus ?

New Delhi – The Supreme Court sought a response from the Central Government regarding a uniform policy for issuance of death certificates of coronavirus victims and a plea seeking compensation to the families of those who have died due to coronavirus. The Court asked, ’Why is coronavirus not mentioned on the death certificates of those who have died due to coronavirus ? If the Government begins a scheme for the families of those who died due to coronavirus, how can their families obtain the benefit ? Is it possible to specify the cause of death as ‘coronavirus’ on the death certificate of a person who has died due to coronavirus ? Can the Government provide compensation of four lakh rupees to these relatives ? The families will struggle to prove that ‘the death of the concerned person was due to coronavirus?’ The Court has ordered the Central Government to respond to these queries within 10 days. The next hearing in this matter will be held on 11th June.

During the hearing, the Court said, ’Other reasons such as ‘lungs and heart not functioning’ are mentioned on the death certificate of those who died due to coronavirus. I have seen this myself,’ said the Judge. The real cause of death is in fact the coronavirus itself. In response, the Government lawyer said, ’The cause of death on the death certificate of a person who has died due to coronavirus is written as per the guidelines prescribed by the Indian Medical Association’.