Madhya Pradesh to enact law for taking strict action against stone-pelters

If stones are pelted from religious places, they will be acquired by the Government; Congress opposes law !

  • From Kashmir to Kanyakumari and from Gujarat to Bengal, it is observed that religious processions of Hindus or the Police often face stone-pelting from the religious places of fanatics. It is also observed that stones are collected in advance at such places. Therefore, such a law should be made in every State.

  • It is clear that the Congress is opposing this law only to appease the minority religious fanatics, since most of the stone-pelting is done by them.

Bhopal (MP) – The Madhya Pradesh Government will enact a law to crack down on stone-pelters. Drafting of the Bill is underway for this. The draft-Bill will be presented to the Cabinet soon. Arbitration is likely to be established under this Act. Stone-throwing incidents will be heard before this tribunal.

Under the proposed law, non-bailable offences will be registered against those who pelt stones. In case of loss to the Government property or life due to stone pelting, full recovery will be made from the concerned accused. For this, the property of the accused will be auctioned. If stones are pelted from the religious places, these religious places will be taken over by the Government.

Congress has opposed the proposed law after the State Government announced it. The Congress has alleged that the BJP is trying different things to ignore the main aspects in the context of the people’s problems.

Responding to the Congress’ allegations, the BJP MLA and interim Speaker said that if the Congress was supporting the stone-pelters, it should state it openly and take responsibility for the stone-pelting incidents.