Concerns among Islamic Countries over usage of pork in Covid-19 vaccines

Some Vaccine Manufacturing Companies rejected the claims of pork usage in their Covid-19 vaccines

New Delhi – Covid-19 vaccination has started in a few countries around the world. India`s Covid-19 vaccination drive to start soon; However, Islamic Countries have raised concerns over the usage of pork derived ingredients and boiled rotten animal skin, bones, cattle in producing Covid-19 vaccine. Pork-derived gelatin is widely used as a stabilizer in vaccines to ensure that they remain safe and effective during storage and transportation. Pork is considered a forbidden food in Islam.

Spokespersons for Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca have said that pork products are not an ingredient of their Coronavirus vaccines. Other vaccine manufacturing companies have not given any clarification about this and the Chinese Covid-19 vaccine manufacturing companies have refused to respond. This has created worry among the Islamic countries. While some Islamic countries demand ‘halal certification’ for covid-19 vaccines.

Some maulvis have also said that Covid-19 vaccines will be a way of injecting microchips  through which the Jews will control everyone’s brain.