Apologises after being criticised across the State
- Devout Hindus expect that the BJP, which claims to be pro-Hindutva, should not allow such anti-Hindu leaders to join the party. BJP should take stringent action against Nirani and expel him from the party.
- It shows how much, not only BJP, but also people’s representatives need education on Dharma !

Bengaluru (Karnataka) – BJP MLA and former Minister Murugesh Nirani from Karnataka’s Bilgi assembly constituency has posted a message on WhatsApp denigrating the Deities. After the message was disseminated on local news channels, Nirani was heavily criticised across the State.
Education Minister left the WhatsApp group after reading the denigrating message
After reading this denigrating message sent by Nirani, the State’s Primary and Secondary Education Minister S. Suresh Kumar left the WhatsApp group. (Instead of just leaving the group, the Education Minister is expected to take some action against those who insult the Deities! – Editor)
‘This is an insult to those who believe in God !’ – Congress
Boastful Congress leader who had once said – Shriram is an imaginary character !
Regarding Nirani’s actions, Congress leader and former Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said, “Does Nirani believe in God or not ?”, He should first clarify because insulting God is an insult to every person who believes in God and it is an attempt to hurt their religious sentiments”. (Congress has criticised Hindu Dharma on many occasions, how can one forget about it ! This is one more such attempt by Congress to catch BJP at fault. – Editor)
The message, which contained derogatory remarks about Hindu gods Brahma, Rama, Krishna and others, was sent from Nirani’s number to a WhatsApp group. https://t.co/Zs3JS0qbCv
— Deccan Herald (@DeccanHerald) July 21, 2020
Nirani apologises
Nirani apologised for his mistake, which drew criticism from across the State. He said, “This mobile number is mine, but I did not send this message. It may have been ‘forwarded’ by my private secretary because I did not carry my mobile phone with me that day. It was with the private secretary. This message received on a mobile phone may have been forwarded by him due to his negligence. In the end, no matter who is at fault, the mistake is a mistake. This was not done intentionally. I am tolerant of all religions and I have the utmost respect for Sanatan Dharma in particular. I am proud of my religion”. I never spoke anything against Dharma. Those who made this mistake have also apologised. I seek forgiveness from the people of the State. (If this message was sent by his private secretary, did Nirani take any action against the secretary? If he did, he should tell Hindus. It shows that if Nirani hires people with such mentality, then they must be working against the Hindu Dharma. Therefore, before hiring, it must be ensured that they are not anti-Hindu. – Editor.)
Some of the Murugesh Nirani’s obscene messages on WhatsApp
- Our God, watches innocent girls bathing naked in the lake
- Ram, who deserted his wife when she was pregnant, is our God
(It is not our intention to hurt anyone’s religious sentiments behind the publication of this text, we are publishing it for the purpose to inform Hindus about the situation. – Editor)