700 Sikhs and Hindus will be brought back to India

Persistent attacks by Jihadi terrorists enforced the decision.

Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Bangladesh were earlier the parts of India. A large number of Hindus were staying in these countries. Now, the religious fanatics started the genocide of Hindus. India not only should provide shelter to these Hindus, but also must retaliate and curb the terrorists.

New Delhi – Due to persistent attacks by the religious fanatics and Jihadi terrorists on Sikhs and Hindus in Afghanistan, the Indian Government decided to bring back 700 Sikhs and Hindus to India. They will arrive in Delhi, soon.

Sikh leader in Afghanistan Nidan Singh Sachdev freed

Sikh and Hindu leader in Afghanistan, Nidan Singh Sachdev was freed.  The Taliban had kidnapped him on 22nd June. Nidan Singh and his family used to reside in Delhi since 1992. He went to Afghanistan just three months ago. The Jihadi kidnapped him in Afghanistan.