Objectionable remark in the daily ‘Loksatta’, related to the construction of Ram Mandir at the site of Babri masjid
Akshay Phatak of Dombivali, Mumbai seeks written explanation from the daily ‘Loksatta’ editors
- Commendable efforts by Akshay Phatak, for being aware of the insult to religious sentiments of Hindus ! If every devout Hindu shows such vigilance and readiness, then formation of a Hindu nation is not far!
- Will the editors of ‘Loksatta’, who retracted the leading news on an article written about Mother Teresa after the objection raised by Christians, show the same courtesy and say sorry to Hindus ?
Mumbai – Akshay Phatak, Mumbai’s devout Hindu, wrote a letter to Girish Kuber, the editor of the daily ‘Loksatta’ – Supreme Court had given a clear verdict that the disputed land of Ayodhya is ‘Ramjanmabhoomi’. Despite this, are you saying that this site belongs to Babri masjid ?, are you trying to create an misunderstanding among Muslims ?, do you have a hidden agenda of creating a ruckus and incite riots between Muslims and Hindus by making such an inappropriate remark ?

On 19th July, news was published on the front page of the daily ‘Loksatta’, titled, ‘Invitation to Prime Minister Modi for the foundation of Ram Mandir’. It was mentioned in the headline, ‘Ramjanmabhoomi Temple Trust offer two dates, August 3rd and 5th, to Prime Minister Modi for the Bhoomi Poojan of Ram Mandir construction work at the site of Babri masjid, in Ayodhya.’ Akshay Phatak objected and wrote a letter to the editor of the daily ‘Loksatta’.
In the letter, Akshay Phatak has further stated that,
1. Shriram and Ayodhya are a topic of faith and devotion for millions of devotees. Despite being a Hindu majority society in the country, the Hindu society has shown the patience and tolerance to accept the decision of country’s judicial system.
2. Mentioning Ramjanmabhoomi as ‘site of Babri masjid’, is not only an inexcusable lapse, but also an insult to the judgement and order given by the Supreme Court of India. By mentioning this, you are raising many questions. Are you trying to prove that the decision of the Supreme Court is false ?
3. By making such an inappropriate remark, you have insulted the entire Hindu society, the innumerable devotees of Lord Ram and the highest Judiciary of the country as well.
4. You are expected to give a prompt explanation in this regard. Not just by printing a clarification but you should also apologise to all the devotees of Shriram, and the Supreme Court.
5. If you do not give any clarification in this regard, it will confirm that you have made this remark intentionally. I will ask the Government to take legal action against you in the case of insulting the Supreme Court. So, please pay attention to this matter and apologise by correcting the lapse.