Faizal Siddiqui’s TikTok account banned

Action taken or airing the video glorifying acid attack on a girl

Central Government should ban TikTok, the Chinese app !

New Delhi – The TikTok account of Faizal Siddiqui, the alleged star of TikTok, has been banned. He had aired a video on the TikTok app glorifying the acid attack on a woman. The National Commission for Women had lodged a complaint with TikTok and the Police. Faizal’s account has since been shut down by TikTok for violating several social media rules. Earlier, TikTok had removed his video from the app.

In this video, he threatens a girl and then throws water on her face. In the next scene, the girl’s squinting face is shown. Faizal Siddiqui has more than 13 million followers on the TikTok app. The hashtag #BanTikTok became a trend on Twitter after Faizal’s video.