H.H. Bhagawan Shridharswami’s guidance in the subtle dimension on spiritual remedies to protect seekers from various perils

H.H. Das Maharaj, Sanatan Ashram, Ramnathi, Goa.

1. Prepare a mix of tulsi juice and desi cow’s gomutra and consume it as Tirtha by praying to Gurudev ! : H.H. Shridharswami (H.H. Das Maharaj’s Guru) guided in the subtle dimension on 12th March 2020 at 5.30 a.m. that seekers should prepare a mix of 3 spoonsful of tulsi juice and 3 spoonsful of desi cow’s gomutra. However, while performing this remedy, consumption of meat should be avoided. If tulsi is unavailable, we can use tulsi juice available at Ayurvedic pharmacists; this will have the benefits of actual tulsi. H.H. Shridharswami is also a form of Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale. Hence, pray to Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale and consume this mixture with the bhav (Spiritual emotion) that it is Tirtha.

2. H.H. Shridharswami has incarnated as Gurudev to fly the flag of Hindu Dharma in the physical dimension ! : H.H. Shridharswami said in the subtle, “I had unfurled the flag of Hindu Dharma in the subtle in 1968, and now through the medium of Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale, I am going to unfurl the flag of Hindu Dharma in the physical dimension. I have undertaken the mission of establishing the Hindu Rashtra (Nation). This is my mission. Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale is the inspiration of  of Hindu Rashtra (Nation). He has incarnated to unfurl the flag of Hindu Rashtra (Nation) on Bhulok (Earth region) taking along all seekers and Hindu brethren.

3. Chant for 1 hour daily to get protection from the adverse times ! : Seekers should unfailingly perform spiritual practice as guided by Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale and make efforts to increase it for sailing through the adverse times. Seekers should chant daily for 1 hour.

4. Pray – Let the perils be overcome ! : The twentieth year of every century is dangerous. Many Saints have performed penance on our land of India. This land is venerable. Earlier, people were pious. They took their grievances to their Village Deity and surrendered with a prayer – Let the perils be overcome ! As a result, their perils were eradicated. Similarly, now Hindu brethren and seekers should pray to their Village Deity and Family Deity – Let the perils be overcome. Seekers should surrender unto Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale. Only due to God’ grace, Guru and Saints, seekers will be protected; hence, surrender unto Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale and pray to Him.

5. It is essential to surrender unto the manifest form of God, Saints and increase spiritual practice ! : In our land of India and the entire world, adharma (Unrighteousness) prevails today. No one abides by Dharma. This is causing us trouble. Saints are the manifest form of God; hence, we should surrender unto them. There is no alternative. Shrimannarayan’s form – Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale – is always there for us, but seekers should increase their spiritual practice. Hindu brethren should not worry at all. God will take care of us.

6. Seekers should make consistent efforts with intense yearning to increase their spiritual practice ! : Since the beginning, Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale has repeatedly told seekers – increase your spiritual practice in light of the approaching adverse times. These adverse times are upon us now. To cite an example, we deposit money in our bank account and use it during a crisis; likewise, in God’s bank, if ‘money of chanting’ is in balance, we can use it during the adverse times. We will perform spiritual practice now and it will immediately increase – this is not going to happen. Consistent efforts in spiritual practice with intense yearning are necessary for this to happen. Therefore, seekers should make efforts and see how spiritual practice can be regularly increased.

7. Shrimannarayan’s form – Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale – is always there for us, then why should we feel afraid of perils ? : It is my earnest request to seekers – Shri Vishnu’s form Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale has performed various sacrificial fires for the good health and protection of seekers from the subtle attacks of distressing energies. He is going to continue to do so in the future too. Why should we be afraid when Shrimannarayan’s form is there with us ?

Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale has involved all seekers in His mission. All seekers should perform spiritual practice according to the Gurukrupayoga (Path of Guru’s grace). All perils will be eradicated with Paratpar Gurudev’s grace. H.H. Shridharswami has guided us in the subtle dimension on the spiritual remedy. Let us express our gratitude unto His Holy feet.

O’ Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale ! We pray unto Your Lotus feet – ‘Please get satseva performed through us as per Your expectations for the fulfilment of the purpose of Your Incarnation’.

– H.H. Das Maharaj, Sanatan Ashram, Ramnathi, Goa.

As per the instructions received in the subtle dimension from H.H. Bhagawan Shridharswami,  use Sanatan’s sattvik products

1. Fragrance : H.H. Bhagawan Shridharswami said, ‘In the fragrance produced by Sanatan, ‘Sandal’ contains the Principle of Shri Vishnu and ‘Mogra’ contains the Principle of Adishakti (Primal Energy). Seekers should use these fragrances regularly. While applying these, pray unto your Kuladevata (Family Deity) and Shri Guru – ‘Please create a protective sheath around us and protect us from polluted environment’.

2. Camphor : Seekers should use the camphor produced by Sanatan regularly. As a result, a protective sheath would be created around them.

3. Neem and Tulsi soap : Sanatan’s products are pure as they do not contain chemicals; hence, these should be used. Especially, ‘Neem’ and ‘Tulsi’ soaps are very beneficial.

4. Gomutra Ark : When desi cow’s gomutra is not available, use Sanatan’s Gomutra-Ark because it is pure and will provide more benefits. Apply camphor powder and fragrance to your clothes, handkerchief and body also.

– H.H. Das Maharaj