Why and how to develop capabilities to perform satseva ?

H.H. Sandeep Alshi

1. Incorrect thought process of seekers about satseva

Many seekers lose their self-confidence when they make mistakes in the satseva (Spiritual service), and as a result, they hesitate to perform satseva on their own or take initiative. Some seekers conclude from their experience that they will never be able to perform a particular satseva, and hence, refuse to perform it. Some seekers fear and doubt their ability to perform a new satseva other than their regular satseva. For such reasons, seekers regress in spiritual practice.

2. Some perspectives to be considered by seekers for enhancing their ability to perform satseva

2A. Rapid spiritual progress takes place when one performs satseva competently

1. God is capable of performing all satsevas; therefore, a seeker who performs satseva competently begins to merge with God rapidly. Therefore, the spiritual progress of that seeker accelerates.

2. Performing satseva competently means offering your body, mind and intellect completely at God’s Holy feet. As a result of this, God’s grace upon us takes place faster and the spiritual progress of the seeker accelerates.

2B. Only if seekers have the firm belief that ‘the Guru Himself is going to get satseva performed by me competently’, will satseva take place efficiently : All satsevas are planned by the Guru or God. During the Mahabharat, Shrikrushna told Arjuna – ‘I have already slayed Kauravs in the subtle (dimension). Now, you become only the instrument’. Likewise, all satsevas assigned to a seeker are already completed in the subtle dimension due to the unexpressed resolve of the Guru; seekers only need to be the instrument in the gross dimension. For this reason, if seekers have the firm belief that ‘The Guru Himself is going to get satseva performed by me competently’, satseva will take place efficiently.

3. Some efforts to develop capabilities in performing satseva

3A. To imbibe the sanskar of rectifying mistakes, it is necessary to write mistakes promptly : Many seekers procrastinate in writing their mistakes; however, the writing of mistakes and introspection on them are missed due to expediency of performing other satsevas. This does not help inculcate the sanskars (Subconscious impressions) of rectifying mistakes. As a result, the same mistakes are repeated. When we can find time for many activities such as daily exercise, chatting with family members or seekers, going out, etc., why can we not find time to write our mistakes ?

3B. To improve skills in performing satsevas, regular study or practice and learning from experts are necessary : Most seekers perform pre-planned satseva; however, they do not allocate time, even 10-15 minutes a day, for studying or practising and learning from experts how to develop skills in satseva. This also limits the possibility of enhancing their ability. The seekers responsible for the satsevas should also look into this because if the satseva of the seekers is performed efficiently, the overall output of satseva along with that of the mission and the section will also increase.

3C. Efforts to be made at the level of bhav

3C 1. Have bhav that ‘every mistake made by me is brought to my notice by God so as to increase my capability’ : Most seekers look at mistakes within their capability as ‘genuine mistakes’; however, they do not look at the mistakes which are committed beyond their capability as ‘genuine mistakes’.
They think these are beyond their ability. However, this does not create curiosity and learning attitude in them. Therefore, they do not develop the habit of thinking deeply or at the next level. This limits their intellectual capacity to grow. On the contrary, if there is bhav (Spiritual emotion) that ‘every mistake made by me is brought to my notice by God so as to increase my capability’, it would provide motivation to develop one’s own capabilities.

3C 2. You should always have bhav that ‘The Guru Himself is getting satseva performed by me’.

– Sanatan’s Saint H.H. Sandeep Alshi

God is capable of performing all satsevas; therefore, a seeker who performs satseva competently begins to merge with God rapidly !