Pakistani Christians also oppose absconding Indian criminal Zakir Naik

  • A church writes a letter to Pakistani President complaining about Naik

  • Pakistani Muslims had also opposed

Islamabad (Pakistan) – Zakir Naik, a role model for Jihadi terrorists and a wanted criminal in India, was on a tour of Pakistan for a few weeks. He was criticized in Pakistan for making some offensive statements during this tour. Now Bishop (Senior Pastor) Dr. Azad Marshall, the President of the ‘Synod’ Church of Pakistan, has written a letter to President Asif Ali Zardari expressing concern over Zakir Naik’s statement about Christians. Earlier, Pakistani Muslims had also opposed Zakir.

Dr. Azad Marshall said in the letter,

1. Zakir Naik’s public speeches have hurt our community; because he has openly questioned the authenticity of our faith, our holy books, and made insulting and belittling statements about the pastors. Zakir’s statement not only insulted religion but also belittled the national pride of all Pakistanis.

2. The Government’s failure to issue a formal apology for Zakir’s comments has exacerbated the sense of insecurity felt by the Christian community. The Government has repeatedly promised to maintain religious harmony. Zakir commented on open forums, where our pastors and scholars were not given an opportunity to properly respond or correct his wrong views and information.

3. As citizens of Pakistan, minorities are guaranteed fundamental rights under Article 20 of the Constitution, which states that ‘every citizen shall have the right to profess, practice and propagate his own religion.’

Dr. Marshall urged President Zardari to take sincere steps to uphold these constitutional rights and ensure that no one violates them.

Editorial Perspective

It is good that Pakistanis also understood the mentality of Zakir Naik. Zakir’s real face has been revealed. No matter where Zakir goes in the world, Muslims will not give importance to him and now even Christian countries will oppose him.