Seekers should perform spiritual remedies such as chanting daily for protection against accidents

Sadguru (Dr) Mukul Gadgil

The way Sanatan’s activities have been increasing over the years for the protection of Nation & Dharma, the negative energies have become more active to create obstacles in this mission. Negative energies are causing distress to seekers at the physical, mental and spiritual levels in performing spiritual practice and service unto Dharma.

One such distress is an increase in seekers meeting with accidents over the past few days; e.g. seekers get hurt due to skidding of vehicles while driving, or slipping in the bathroom or elsewhere, leading to fractures or getting injured, requiring them to rest for many days. This is creating a hindrance for them to participate in the Guru’s mission. However, God is far more powerful than negative energies and will protect seekers, but it is necessary for seekers that they increase their spiritual practice and spiritual remedies to protect themselves from the attacks of negative energies.

Seekers should pray to their Deity of worship for protection against various types of accidents and chant the following along with their regular individual chanting.

1. Chant : Mahashunya

2. Nyas : Holding the right palm 1-2 cm away from the lips.

3. Duration : One hour daily, till 6th November 2024.

A review will be taken of the effect of this chant on the seekers after two months and it will be decided whether to continue with the same chant or change it. Seekers will be advised accordingly.

– Sadguru (Dr) Mukul Gadgil (PhD) Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay, Goa. (2.8.2024)

Seekers should increase their spiritual practice and remedies to protect themselves from the attacks of negative energies !

Negative energies : Good and bad, or positive and negative, both types of energies are active in the atmosphere. Good i.e. positive energies help humans perform good work while bad or negative energies cause distress. In the earlier days, demons used to create obstacles in the sacred fires which were performed by Sages and Seers as we have read many stories in our Vedas-Puranas.

Many mantras are given in the Atharvaveda to counter negative energies such as demons, ghosts and for ‘karani’, ‘bhanamati’. Various spiritual remedies have been prescribed for the removal of distress caused by negative energies in our Holy Scriptures like the Vedas.