6 Muslims sentenced to 5 years imprisonment for raising anti-national slogans

Chittorgarh (Rajasthan) – Chittorgarh District Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate has sentenced 6 persons to 5 years imprisonment, for raising anti-national slogans. Their names are Bablu Shoaib, Haider Khan, Shaukat Khan, Abid Hussain, Arif Ansari and Moinuddin. They have also been fined Rs 1,000 each. In default of payment of fine, they will have to undergo additional imprisonment of 1 month each. In 2009, the accused tried to disrupt religious harmony by raising provocative slogans like ‘Hindustan Murdabad, Pakistan Zindabad’ during an Urus (a festival organised to mark the death anniversary of a Muslim cleric) in the city.

The Court said that those who disturb the religious harmony should be fearful of the law, so that the animosity spread by the anti-social elements can be checked and the general public receives the right message.

Editorial Perspective

It should not be surprising if someone demands to send such people to Pakistan after serving the sentence.