Case filed at Kolhapur against Dnyanesh Maharao for offensive remarks against Deity Shriram and Swami Samarth


Sandip Sasane (on right) and other devout Hindu activists lodging complaint at Laxmipuri Police Station

Kolhapur – On 9th September 2024, a case was registered at Laxmipuri Police Station in Kolhapur against Dnyanesh Maharao for making offensive remarks about Deity Shriram and Swami Samarth. Sandeep Sasane, District President of ‘Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha,’ lodged a complaint at Laxmipuri Police Station in this regard. Additionally, Mahesh Yadav and Rajaram Parit also filed complaints stating that Dnyanesh Maharao hurt the sentiments of the dhobi (washerman) community.

1. Devout Hindu activists gathered at Laxmipuri Police Station on learning about Dnyanesh Maharao’s statements. Initially, the Police Inspector advised that the complaint should be filed where the crime was committed and not at Laxmipuri Police Station.

2. All devout Hindu activists, however, took an aggressive stance and questioned how multiple cases were filed against actress Ketaki Chitale, even though she did not name anyone in her poem. They also brought up the cases filed against H.H. Ramgiri Maharaj at various Police stations, demanding filing of the complaint against Dnyanesh Maharao in Kolhapur.

3. During discussions with the Police Inspector, devout Hindu activist Uday Bhosale said, “Hindu sentiments are always trampled upon. We have filed numerous complaints in the past. What has happened to those complaints ? How many people have had cases filed against them ? When complaints are filed by people from other religions, cases are immediately registered against Hindus. We are Hindus and revere Deity Shriram. We will not just file a complaint but ensure that a case is registered against Dnyanesh Maharao.”

4. The Police finally registered a case against Dnyanesh Maharao by 5 p.m. since the devout Hindu activists gathered at the Police Station, took a firm stand that they would not leave the Police Station until a case was registered.

Read about Dnyanesh Maharao`s remarks here :

Editorial Perspective

Congratulations to the devout Hindu activists in Kolhapur for their collective efforts in filing a case against Dnyanesh Maharao, who made derogatory comments about Deity Shriram and Swami Samarth. If Hindus continue to show such unity, anti-Hindu activities can certainly be stopped.