In the last 400 years, no rape and consumption of meat in the village of Miragpur, UP

In the 17thcentury, a saint took a vow from the villagers after penance

Guru Baba Fakirdas at Miragpur

Saharanpur (Uttar Pradesh) – The name of the village Miragpur in the district has been recorded in the ‘Asia Book of Records’. This village is just 8 km from Saharanpur village and no one has consumed alcohol here for generations. Interestingly, in the last 400 years, not only rape, but also molestation has not happened here. Everyone here is vegetarian. Due to this reason, Miragpur village located on the banks of river Kali is considered to be the holiest in the country. Even the Hukka is frowned upon here. As far as villages and Indian values go, Miragpur in Uttar Pradesh stands out as an exemplary model of social conduct. Not only do people here keep away from tobacco, liquor and non-vegetarian food, they also do not consume cabbage, garlic and onion. This is a tradition they have been following for over 400 years— since the seventeenth century. Even the hukka, synonymous with north Indian villages, is frowned upon here.

1. The population of this village is 10,000. Eating onion and garlic is also prohibited here and altogether 26 types of tamasik (Tama predominant) foods are completely prohibited.

2. Saharanpur district administration has also declared this village as a ‘drug free village’.

3. Specially, if the girls of this village get married and go to another village, there should not be any problem in their married life; so they are freed from village vows. However, the son- in-law who comes to the village is bound by this vow and has to give up meat forever.

Villagers loyal to the guru-disciple lineage

Guru-disciple lineage is another characteristic of Miragpur village. Every person in the village follows it. Villagers say that ‘we should surrender our life at the Guru’s feet’. This feeling is in the heart of every person in the village.

After the penance of a Saint 400 years ago, the problems in the village were solved !

There is a temple of Baba Fakirdas at the gate of Miragpur. Mahant Kaludas of the temple says that in the 17thcentury, Baba Fakirdas, a Siddha Purush from Pushkar in Rajasthan, came to the village and did penance. He removed the troubles of the villagers with his spiritual power. While leaving, he took a promise from the villagers not to drink alcohol and eat meat. That tradition has been followed ever since.

Editorial Perspective

From this example an importance of spiritual power can be realised. Efforts are made at the spiritual level along with the physical and mental level. It means if the people start Sadhana, then all the problems facing the nation will be solved forever !