Wipe off India from Bangladesh

Movement of Muslims in Bangladesh

Dhaka (Bangladesh) – A video of some Bangladeshi Muslims in Bangladesh holding an anti-India march has been circulated on social media. In this, the protestors are seen shouting anti-India slogans like ‘We don’t want Delhi, we want Dhaka’, ‘All trade with India should be stopped’, ‘We will erase India from Bangladesh’. Devout Hindu in Bangladesh sent this video to ‘Sanatan Prabhat’. When it was posted on Sanatan Prabhat’s ‘X’ account, a Hindu wrote, ‘Remember, if this is done, there will not be a single Bangladeshi intruder left in India.’

Editorial Perspective

For Muslims, India means Hindus. Therefore, this is an open threat to the minority Hindus in Bangladesh. Now the Hindus should prove themselves against such fanatical Muslims.