If the attacks on Bangladeshi Hindus do not stop, the Saints will go to Bangladesh : Mahamandaleshwar Swami Prabodhanand Giri

Indian Saints and Seers demand firm action by the Union Government

Mahamandaleshwar Swami Prabodhananda Giri Maharaj

Haridwar – After the establishment of an interim Government in Bangladesh, Hindus in Dhaka and Chittagong staged protests against the attacks on them. Hindus demanded protection as their temples, homes, and businesses were being attacked. In light of this, Indian Saints and Seers have expressed their fury over the situation. Mahamandaleshwar Swami Prabodhanand Giri Maharaj stated that if the attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh did not stop, Saints are ready to go to Bangladesh. The Saints in India have expressed concern over the attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh and have demanded that the Union Government take decisive action.

1. Manahat Puri, Secretary of Panchayati Akhara Mahanirvani, stated that the Union Government should take up the issue with an international forum to ensure the safety of Hindus in Bangladesh.

2. Mahamandaleshwar Swami Yatindranand Giri said that a large number of Rohingya and Bangladeshi Muslims are residing in Haridwar, and they should be expelled from the country; otherwise, they will pose a significant threat to the nation.

Editorial Perspective

It is shameful for the Indian Hindus that due to their indifference and apathy, Saints have to say these words.