Possibility of several State Administrative Officer appointments using fake certificates

Surajya Abhiyan demands inquiry to the Governor

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Mumbai – There is a growing concern that, like the case of Pooja Khedkar, several other appointments in the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) and various other Government services in Maharashtra, might have been secured through fake handicapped certificates. Past incidents of fraudulent certificates have been uncovered but subsequently suppressed. Considering this, it is crucial to investigate how many such bogus appointments have been made in the State through fake disability certificates. Abhishek Murukate, Maharashtra State Coordinator of the ‘Surajya Abhiyan’, affiliated to the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS), has demanded an investigation into all medical systems responsible for issuing disability certificates. Murukate has urged Governor C.P. Radhakrishnan to order the State Government a thorough inquiry to ensure the integrity of the State’s administrative appointments.

Abhishek Murukate

A serious case has recently come to light involving Pooja Khedkar, an Indian Administrative Officer from the Maharashtra batch of 2023, who allegedly used fake disability certificate to clear the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) examination. In response, the UPSC has temporarily cancelled her candidature, and the matter is currently under judicial review. In the wake of this revelation, Surajya Abhiyan has sent a formal letter to the Governor of Maharashtra, calling for immediate and thorough action.

Attempts to suppress cases of bogus certificates

In May 2022, a shocking case emerged involving officials from the Orthopaedic Department at Sassoon Hospital in Pune, who were found issuing fake disability certificates. This prompted the Government to establish a 3-member committee in June 2022 to investigate the matter. Despite this, progress stalled. The Department of Medical Education requested an inquiry report from the Commissioner, Directorate of Medical Education and Research on two occasions – July 2022 and October 2022. Additionally, Pune BJP MLA Madhuri Misal and MLA Sunil Kamble raised the issue in the Legislative Assembly in August 2022, leading to an admission by then Medical Education Minister Girish Mahajan that the fake certificates were indeed issued at Sassoon Hospital. However, subsequent action on the case has been lacking, leading to suspicions of deliberate suppression. Abhishek Murukate of Surajya Abhiyan has highlighted these concerns in his letter.

Administration is inactive despite complaints

On May 8th, 2024, Surajya Abhiyan sent a letter to the Commissioner of Medical Education and Research, highlighting the inaction regarding the case of fake disability certificates issued by officials of the Orthopaedic Department at Sassoon Hospital, Pune.

Will the Governor, as the Head of Administrative Services, address the issue ?

Corruption has deeply infiltrated the administrative system, and the appointment of bogus officers through fake disability certificates threatens to undermine the integrity of the entire system. Given the seriousness and potential future repercussions of this issue, Surajya Abhiyan has urged the Governor, as the Head of Administrative Services in the State, to personally intervene. They have called for the Governor to direct the Government to take concrete legal action against both those who issue and those who use fraudulent disability certificates.

Editorial Perspective

The nationalists should not have to make such a demand. The administration must take steps to prevent bogus appointments.