Congress’s decision to rename ‘Ramanagara’ to ‘Bengaluru South’ indicates their anti-Shriram stance : Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

Bengaluru (Karnataka) – ‘There is festive atmosphere across the country due to the construction of Shriram temple in Ayodhya, after a prolonged wait over 500 years. Amid the celebration though, Congress Government’s decision to change the name of Ramanagara District to Bengaluru South must be strongly condemned,’ stated the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) in a press release. Mohan Gowda, Karnataka State Spokesperson of HJS, added, “If the name of Shriram is being erased in India, the land of Shriram, the Hindu community will never tolerate. This decision rubs salt on the wounds of Hindus. Congress first called Shriram a mythological character, later they did not attend the pranapratishtha ceremony of Shriram Lalla, and now they changed the name of Ramanagara. From this, the Congress’s anti-Shriram stance is clearly visible.”

The HJS press release added, ‘The Congress, which decided to change the name of ‘Ramanagara’, ever tried to change the names of places named after Mughal invaders e.g. Aurangzeb Road, Tughlaq Road etc. in Delhi ? Will the State Government show courage to change the Islamic names of the cities in Karnataka ? There is strong opposition from Hindus to change the name of ‘Ramanagara’ and if the decision is not withdrawn, the Hindu community will have to take to the streets.’