Protection to those who are in a live-in relationship is like encouraging a wrong practice : Punjab and Haryana HC

Haryana – Protection to those who are in a live-in relationship is like encouraging a wrong practice, observed Punjab and Haryana High Court. A 40-year-old woman and a 44-year-old man had sought directions from the High Court to protect them as they were threatened by their families. Regarding this issue the Court has made these observations.

Both the live-in partners are married and have children. The woman is a divorcee; however, the man has not divorced his wife. The Court held that the petitioners were fully aware that they were married therefore they could not be in a live-in relationship.

The Court added that the petitioners have not only defamed their families by running away from their homes, but also violated their families’ right to live with prestige and honour. The Court said, marriage is a sacred relationship. Marriage has an important place in the society. In our country moral values and culture have great importance. In today’s times, we are following Western culture which is very different from our Indian culture.