Late (Mrs) Saudamini Kaimal (Age 82) from Kochi, Kerala, who has a selfless attitude, attains Sainthood

Late (Mrs) Saudamini Madhavan Kaimal

Ramnathi (Goa) – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale (Founder of Sanatan Sanstha) gave the joyous news that Sanatan’s seeker Late (Mrs) Saudamini Madhavan Kaimal of Kerala who passed away on 6.7.2024 has become the 128th Saint of Sanatan.

She had love, a self-sacrificing attitude and a set of numerous virtues. Late (Mrs) Kaimal was a practicing full-time seeker at the Seva Kendra in Kochi, Kerala for the past 8 years. Pujya Saudamini Kaimal had strong faith in Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale and deep devotion and gratitude towards Him.

Her health had deteriorated since the last year. She was chanting continuously till the end. Pujya Saudamini Kaimal was fondly called ‘Amma’ by the seekers in Kerala.

Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale’s Message

Mrs Saudamini Kaimal lived in Thrissur (Trichur) District of Kerala all alone. Initially, she had no guidance in sadhana (Spiritual practice). Yet, she religiously followed the instructions of Saints and implemented the ‘Personality Defect Removal’ process; and thus, in 2012 reached the spiritual level of 61%. For the past 8 years, she has been residing in the Sevakendra at Kochi, Kerala and performing satseva. Unconditional love for co-seekers was her nature. She treated everyone with maternal love. Thus, she became the ‘Amma (Mother in Tamil)’ of the seekers – a pillar of strength for them.

For many years, Amma woke up at 4 a.m. every day and chanted. Even after adopting Ashram life at such a late stage in her life, she was able to adapt to the routine in the Sevakendra due to her virtues such as self-reliance, discipline and performing activities in a planned manner. She renounced her body on 6.7.2024. Due to her virtues of seriousness in spiritual practice, perseverance, yearning, faith in God and bhav, her spiritual progress continued at a rapid pace.

In 2023, her spiritual level was 69%. Now Kaimal Aji has attained the spiritual level of 71%, thus becoming Sanatan’s 128th Vyashti Saint. Pujya Aji’s son, Mr Nandkumar Kaimal, is also performing full-time sadhana and is progressing at a good pace.

Even after renouncing her body, Pujya Aji’s spiritual progress will continue at a rapid pace.

– Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale (17.7.2024)