Donald Trump narrowly survives an assassination attempt

  • The bullet grazed Trump’s right ear
  • Failure of the US intelligence, disgrace worldwide
  • The 20-year-old attacker shot dead by the security guards
Former US President Donald Trump

New York (USA) – Former US President Donald Trump narrowly escaped a fatal attack on Saturday. He was shot while addressing a rally in Pennsylvania. The bullet grazed Trump’s right ear. He was slightly injured in this attack, while two people died. Thomas Matthew Crooks, a 20-year-old resident of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, took aim at Trump from a distance of 120 metres. The assailant’s bullet aimed at Trump missed by just 2 cm distance, otherwise it would have been a major mishap. This incident took place on the evening of 13th July according to Eastern Daylight Time. This incident has tarnished the image of the US all over the world.

1. This attack is apparent failure of the US intelligence. The intelligence agencies had no idea about the attack.

2. Following the attack, the agents of Secret Service rushed towards Trump and surrounded him from all sides. Within a minute, Trump stood up and raised his fist, and appealed his supporters to keep fighting.

3. One of the US Secret Service agents shot the attacker in the head, leaving the attacker dead on the spot. He was shot at from 200 metres.

4. The assailant Thomas Matthew Crooks positioned himself on the roof of a factory 120 metres away from where Trump was speaking.

5. The building where the attacker’s body was found belongs to AGR International, which manufactures glass and plastic products.

6. Such shooting of a former president in US has taken place after four decades. Earlier, there was a similar attempt to kill Ronald Reagan in 1981.

7. Under US law, former presidents are protected for life.

The assailant hated Trump

A video of killer Crooks has surfaced, in which, he is seen saying ‘I hate Republicans and Donald Trump’. This is said to be a possible reason behind the attack. It is being investigated whether there is any other mastermind behind this attack.

‘Stopping Trump’ is the only election strategy of the Democrats, hence the assassination attempt : Republican Party leaders

After the attack, Republican Party leaders directly criticised President Joe Biden. Several Republican leaders alleged that Trump was attacked as a primary strategy of the Democratic Party that ‘Trump should be prevented from becoming president at all costs’.

India and Israel condemn the attack

1. US President Joe Biden : There’s no place for this kind of violence in the US. We must unite as one nation to condemn it. The Government is taking this attack very seriously.

2. Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi : I am deeply concerned by the attack on my friend, former President Donald Trump. I strongly condemn the incident. Violence has no place in politics and democracies.

3. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu : We are shocked by the horrific assassination attempt on the life of President Donald Trump. We wish President Trump a speedy recovery, continued good health and continued strength.

Editorial Perspective

The US, which raises concerns that the democracy in India is in danger, should first realise how vulnerable the democracy in its own country is !