Global media’s comments on Modi-Putin meeting

India-Russia relations strengthened; US expresses concern

Prime Minister Modi of India and President Putin of Russia

New Delhi – The meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin has been highlighted by international media. Everyone has viewed this meeting differently. Most of the media has stated that the relations between India and Russia are becoming more strengthened and the efforts of USA and Europe to isolate Russia have been frustrated.

Report on the meeting by various newspapers

1. New York Times (USA) – The efforts to isolate Putin have been weakened by Prime Minister Modi’s visit while there is discontent in Ukraine. Though India has close ties with the USA, Russian President Putin got a chance to show the world with PM Modi’s visit that India and Russia relations continue to get stronger. Despite the Western countries campaigning to isolate Russia, the Russian economy has strengthened by its improved relations with other countries.

2. Washington Post (USA) – Modi’s visit shows that India is not tilting towards the West. This visit after the start of the Ukraine conflict, clearly shows that not paying heed to USA pressure, India will maintain its strong ties with Russia. Modi visited Russia just after a month of gaining power. He probably wants to indicate that despite developing close ties with the USA, India has not yet changed its stand with the West.

3. Voice of America : It is an important visit for Putin because he is sending a message to the Western countries that their imposing restrictions have not altered anything for Russia.

4. BBC-Hindi (Britain) :  NATO (The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation which is an intergovernmental military alliance of 32 countries) strongly condemned Moscow for its conflict with Ukraine but Modi never clearly criticised Putin. The Western countries are trying to weaken Russia through various sanctions but Putin is busy strengthening ties with India and China.

5. Guardian (Britain) : Even after the Ukraine war, ties between Modi and Putin have become stronger. Modi advised Putin that the path to peace doesn’t go through war. Modi’s advice will, however, may not have much effect on Putin’s ambition.

6. Global Times (China) : India’s decision has disappointed the Western countries. They are concerned about India deepening its ties with Russia. China doesn’t consider strong Russia–India relations as a threat but the Western countries are unhappy over India-Russia relations. The Western countries tried to pull India to their camp and balance China’s influence. They hoped that India would take a stand against Russia and join them but they are disappointed with India’s moves.