Secular and Socialist terms soon to become unconstitutional : Adv. Vishnu Shankar Jain

Adv. Vishnu Shankar Jain

Ramnath Devasthan, Goa, 29th June – “In 1948, Prof. KT Shah proposed to include the words Secular and Socialist in the Constitution thrice. However, the Constitution Drafting Committee rejected his proposal three times since it was inconsistent with the basic structure of the Constitution. In 1976, during the Emergency, these two words were illegally inserted into the Constitution without any discussion. The inclusion of these words is basically against the Constitution.

We have filed a petition in the Court against the inclusion of these two words in the Constitution. In the near future, the words Secular and Socialist will be declared anti-Constitutional. This petition is likely to be heard in July”, said Supreme Court Advocate Vishnu Shankar Jain (Spokesperson of ‘Hindu Front for Justice’) while speaking on the sixth day of the Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav on the topic – ‘Secular Word in the Constitution and Judicial Struggles’.

Advocate Vishnu Shankar Jain said that every word in the Constitution has been defined. They have been debated before being included in the Constitution. But so far the definition of both the words Secular and Socialist have not been stated and defined. There was no discussion on these words while including them in the Constitution. Article 25 of the Constitution gives every person the right to practice his religion. If this is the case, how can secularism be imposed on any citizen of India ? A Government can be secular so that no one is discriminated against in the name of religion, but secularism cannot be imposed on any citizen.

Karl Marx, the father of the word Socialism, has written derogatorily about Hinduism and India. It is an irony to include those words in the Constitution of India.

How is the ‘AIMIM’ party ‘secular’ when it is only for the benefit of Muslims

Hindu Hridaysamrat Balasaheb Thackeray was deemed to have violated the tenets of secularism when he sought votes on the basis of religion. Doesn’t this apply to Asaduddin Owaisi ? While registering any political party in India, an affidavit has to be filed stating that the party is Secular and Socialist.

If we look at the history of the AIMIM party, we notice that this party is working only for the benefit of Muslims. AIMIM is just another Muslim League. Despite this, this party has not been deregistered. This party contests elections in India only by mentioning Secular and Socialist in its manifesto and gets its candidates elected. Advocate Vishnu Shankar Jain questioned the logic of secularism here.

Attempt to create a fake anti-Hindu Rashtra narrative by propping up the bogey of secularism and socialism

Asaduddin Owaisi chanted ‘Jai Philistin (Palestine)’ while being administered the oath as a member of the Lok Sabha. A Member of Parliament supporting any other country is a violation of Article 102 D of the Constitution of India. Despite this, Owaisi was not disqualified from his Lok Sabha membership.

To defend himself, Owaisi referred to the chants of ‘Jai Hindu Rashtra’ raised in the Parliament. But the chants of ‘Hindu Rashtra’ were hailed after Owaisi hailed Palestine. The concept of ‘Hindu Rashtra’ is the concept of a ‘Spiritual Nation’. However, a false narrative is being created against ‘Hindu Rashtra’ by propping up the bogey of secularism and socialism.

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