Demand for the construction of a Hindu temple in Moscow (Russia)

Hindus in Moscow express their demand ahead of PM Modi’s visit

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Sita President Sammy Kotwani

Moscow (Russia) – Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to visit Russia soon. In anticipation to his visit, local Hindus have demanded the construction of a Hindu temple in the city. Despite majority Christian population, Hindu temples and community groups have begun to appear in Russia. Sammy Kotwani, President of the Indian National Cultural Centre ‘SITA’ in Russia, has expressed intentions to build the first Hindu temple in Moscow.

1. Earlier this year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated its first Hindu temple in the United Arab Emirates. Hindu temples and cultural centres in Russia are essential as they provide a safe space for the community. Hindu organisations in Russia serve as hubs for religious groups and community-building initiatives.

2. There are already several spiritual sites related to Hindus in Moscow. Now, the Indian community in Moscow has demanded the construction of a dedicated Hindu temple.

3. Russian law permits individuals to freely practice their religion. There are ISKCON temples in Moscow and Saint Petersburg, although the ISKCON temple in Moscow is currently housed in a simple building. The Indian community wishes to change this.

Editorial Perspective

It is commendable that the Hindu community abroad is demanding Hindu temples. However, it is crucial to also focus on educating the local Hindus about Hindu Dharma and involving Russian Hindus in uniting Hindus globally.