Commit genocide against the Hindus !

Islamic State’s ‘Voice of Khorasan’ magazine appeals to Muslims worldwide, including those in India

Khorasan refers to the region encompassing North-East Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan

New Delhi – The latest issue of the ‘Voice of Khorasan’ magazine of the Jihadi terrorist organisation Islamic State, has called for Muslims in India and worldwide to commit genocide against Hindus. The magazine glorifies Muslim invaders such as Mahmud Ghaznavi and Muhammad bin Qasim while declaring Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other BJP leaders as ‘enemies of Islam’.

The magazine says – 1. Burn down Hindu temples, houses and properties. The magazine’s cover says – ‘O’ polytheistic Indian Kings ! Be ready to face Mahmud Ghaznavi again !’ It incites Muslims – ‘Hit the Indian polytheists with cars, cut their stomachs with knives, burn their temples, houses, cars, property and crops, target crowded places, and show them that the Ummah of the Prophet Muhammad is still alive’.

2. Muslims worldwide should unite and attack India. If Indian Muslims are unable to attack Hindus, then Muslims worldwide should unite and attack India. Even after doing this, if the Muslims in India are not able to overcome these polytheists, the gates of all the ‘Wilayat’ of the Islamic State are yours to advance.

3. The article incites Muslims by claiming – ‘Non-Muslims are occupying Muslim lands, dishonouring Muslim women, and mocking Islamic Sharia’. It also criticises Muslims stating that, ‘Most Muslims today have fallen in love with this world; therefore, they are unable to muster the courage to die in the path of Jihad’.

4. Prime Minister Modi is an ‘enemy of Islam’. The article describes Hindu leaders, especially those associated with the BJP, as ‘oppressors of Muslims’. PM Modi is particularly targeted and described as an ‘enemy of Islam’. The article claims that ‘Narendra Modi mocks Islamic rituals and policies’ and describes his rule as that of an ‘extremist Hindu nationalist regime’. It also criticises his policies, accusing him of referring to Indian Muslims as ‘infiltrators’ during election campaigns.

5. Plan to attack Shriram Temple. Aspects such as construction of Shriram Temple in place of Babri have also been mentioned in this magazine. The article indicates that the Islamic State was plotting to attack Shriram Temple. It refers to all the events and hymns at the Shriram Janmabhoomi as ‘obscene and dirty’, alleging that activities such as alcohol distribution are taking place within the Temple premises. It further states – ‘Cows and Idols are now worshipped on that blessed land of the mosque’.

6. The article also criticises BJP candidate Madhavi Latha, who contested against Asaduddin Owaisi in the Lok Sabha elections in Hyderabad, and former BJP Spokesperson Nupur Sharma. The article suggests that Madhavi Latha’s candidacy reflects BJP’s intention to prioritise anti-Muslim leaders.

7. Labelling India and its surroundings as anti-Muslim, the Islamic State calls Hindus the enemies of Muslims. It further states that around 22 crore Muslims in India are being forced to live a painful life under Hindu subjugation. (This is akin to the proverb of ‘The pot calling the kettle black’ ! – Editor)

Editorial Perspectives

  • The dream of fanatic Muslims to convert India into an Islamic Nation is an old one. When will Hindus realise that they need to unite to thwart this dream by opposing  such fanatics ?
  •    Hindus also see that even if Hindus are in power, Hindu Dharma does not benefit in any way – even for the protection of Hindus. This is shameful for Hindus.

Even if Hindus are in power, Hindu Dharma does not benefit in any way – even to protect Hindus. This is shameful for Hindus !