HC reduces sentences given to the two rapists of a 6-year-old girl : One acquitted, the other imprisoned for life

  • Verdict from the Odisha High Court
  • Both were sentenced to death by a lower court!
Odisha High Court

Bhubaneswar (Odisha) – In a gang rape case involving a 6-year-old girl, the Odisha High Court overturns the death sentences of Akil Ali and Asif Ali. The lower court had sentenced both accused to death; however, the Odisha High Court acquitted Akil Ali and reduced Asif Ali’s death sentence to life imprisonment. The court remarked, ‘The accused prays multiple times a day and has devoted himself to Allah, making him ready to face any punishment.’

On 21stAugust 2014, Akil and Asif kidnapped a 6-year-old girl who had gone to buy chocolates. She was later found naked and unconscious. She died on the way to the hospital.

Editorial Perspective

How can High Court overturn lower court’s sentence of hanging till death to the rapists !