Hindu girl refuses to return home after rescue by the Police

  • Incident of ‘Love Jihad’ in Sulya (Karnataka)
  • Hindu girl accepts Islam and marries a Muslim man
Representative image : Hindu girl accepts Islam and marries a Muslim man in Sullia Karnataka. (Credit – Kreately )

Sulya (Karnataka) – An incident of ‘Love Jihad’ has come to light here. After the members of Bajrang Dal and Hindu Jagran Vedike informed the police that a Hindu girl and 2 Muslim youths were traveling in a four-wheeler which did not have a number plate, the Police stopped the vehicle. When the Police brought these 3 persons to the Police station and interrogated them. It was then revealed that it was a case of love jihad. The name of the young victim of love jihad is Isha and she is a resident of Hosangadi. This girl has converted and married a Muslim young man. She refused to return to her own house, due to which, the Police had to let these 3 people go. (It is shameful for Hindus that the situation of Hindu girls in India is similar to that in Pakistan – Editor).

Editorial Perspective

This incident shows the level of manipulation of Hindu girls by the fanatic Muslims. The fact that no Government is trying to prevent such incidents makes Hindu Rashtra inevitable.