‘Love Jihad’ is the biggest myth in modern India : Actress Swara Bhasker

Mumbai – “In South Asian countries, interfaith marriages happen. However, in India, people interfere in others’ personal lives. When a Hindu girl marries a Muslim boy, it is labeled as ‘Love Jihad’. This applies to me as well (Swara Bhasker is married to Fahad Ahmad). ‘Love Jihad’ is the biggest myth in modern India,” stated Swara Bhasker, a left-leaning actress, in an interview with the YouTube channel ‘Connect Cine’.

Swara Bhasker further stated, “In some cities, interfaith couples are attacked on Valentine’s Day. Marriage is a matter between two individuals. In a few years, actress Sonakshi Sinha and her friend Zaheer might have children, and then there will be discussions about their names (it has been reported in various media that actress Sonakshi Sinha will have an interfaith marriage with her friend Zaheer Iqbal).

The same happened with actress Kareena Kapoor and actor Saif Ali Khan when they had children. What two sensible individuals do in their personal lives should not concern others. It is a personal matter between the man, the woman, and their families. Similarly, it is entirely Sonakshi’s life. She has chosen her partner herself. Whether her family approves of their marriage or not is their issue.”

Editorial Perspective

Thousands of Hindu girls in India have had their lives devastated by fanatic Muslims through ‘Love Jihad’. If Swara Bhasker had met even one Hindu girl who fell victim to ‘Love Jihad’, she would have understood the reality. However, she chooses to ignore this conveniently and is misleading Hindus.