Dr Ajay Taware of Sassoon hospital suspected of manipulating evidence during the postmortem of Dr Narendra Dabholkar

Dr Taware carried out the post-mortem in Dabholkar murder case and is suspected to have destroyed the evidence.

Pune – Pune Police have arrested Dr Ajay Taware for changing the blood samples of the juvenile accused in the Kalyaninagar ‘Porsche accident’ case. Dr Taware carried out the post-mortem in Dabholkar murder case and is suspected to have destroyed the evidence found in the post-mortem, according to a report by ‘Hindustan Post’.

Hindustan Post report mentioned,

Sassoon hospital is a Government hospital. Hence, the medical examinations of the accused are done here, their blood samples are tested here, the post-mortem report in case of murder or death in an accident is also prepared here.  These reports are accepted by the Courts as evidence during the trials.

Dr Taware had carried out the post-mortem of Dr Dabholkar’s dead body after the murder of the latter. During the trial, the defence lawyer had raised many questions regarding the post-mortem report given by Dr Taware. The defence attorney had clearly demonstrated to the Court that many facts were concealed in the post-mortem report.

The post-mortem report did not mention the wounds shown by Dr Dabholkar’s relatives, that were on his right knee and foot. This point was deleted by Dr Taware. Dr Dabholkar’s body was photographed before the post-mortem. A long hair was seen on Dr Dabholkar’s neck. When this hair was shown to Dr Taware in the Court, he said that it was a thread and not a hair. Dr Taware had not preserved this critical evidence.

Dr Taware accepted during the cross examination in the Court, that rules of post-mortem were not followed during the post-mortem. The video recording of the post-mortem was not continuous instead there were breaks in it. Question is raised if Dr Taware was responsible for this decision.

There were many more possibilities about Dr Dabholkar’s murder. If the post-mortem had been done correctly, several other things would have come to light during the investigation. But it did not happen because of the suspicious post-mortem report given by Dr Taware. It must be said that important evidence in this murder investigation was destroyed because of the conscious omissions of the details by Dr Taware in his report.