Unilateral action should not be taken to solve the Kashmir issue; joint statement by China and Pakistan

Beijing (China) – China and Pakistan have jointly issued a statement saying they oppose any unilateral action to resolve all pending issues in South Asia, especially Kashmir. Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif is on a 5-day visit to China. This statement was given after a dialogue between them.

1. China reiterated that the Jammu and Kashmir dispute should be resolved just and peacefully in accordance with the UN Security Council resolutions and bilateral agreements. The statement added that the heads of both countries agreed to protect the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor from its adversaries.

2. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor connects the port of Gwadar in Balochistan, Pakistan with China’s Xinjiang province. India opposes this corridor as it passes through Pakistan-occupied Kashmir.

Editorial Perspectives

  • Please note that as China considers Taiwan its territory, it does not even let India speak about Taiwan, whereas, it interferes in the Kashmir issue ! Will the Modi Government deal with China in a language which it understands ?
  • Kashmir is an integral part of India and India has full right to resolve the issue. India hence does not need anyone’s permission or advice in this regard !