Minor girl sexually abused by a maulavi under the pretext of exorcism in Karnataka

Maulavi and victim’s brother arrested

(Maulvi means religious leader of Islam)

Maulavi Abdul Rehman
Courtesy : Hindu Post

Chitradurga – Maulavi Abdul Rahman has been arrested for sexually abusing a minor girl under the guise of exorcism. The incident occurred on 31st May, but was revealed only recently. The maulavi claimed the girl was possessed by a ghost and sexually abused her during the so-called exorcism. Additionally, he manipulated the girl’s brother into participating in the abuse. Both the maulavi and the girl’s brother have been arrested.

Chitradurga Superintendent of Police Dharmendra Kumar Meena stated that the Police acted upon receiving information about maulavi’s actions. The girl’s mother lodged a complaint, prompting the Police to take action.

Editorial Perspective

It is noteworthy that media, which often falsely accuse and defame Hindu saints, do not publish news related to scandals involving such lustful maulavis.