Those who back Taiwan Independence, face ‘self-destruction’ : China’s Defence Minister

China’s Defence Minister Dong Jun

Beijing (China) – China’s Defence Minister Dong Jun has threatened to destroy whosoever tries to separate Taiwan from China. In the last 2-3 days, China has conducted military exercises in the sea around Taiwan. Many warships and fighter jets were deployed in the sea near Taiwan. China considers Taiwan as its own part, while Taiwan considers itself as an independent country.

Dong Jun added, China has always respected the laws of other countries. It is China’s sacred duty to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Taiwan is the core of China’s interest, but Taiwan is trying to secede. Taiwan is trying to erase Chinese identity by going out of the strait and sever social, historical, and cultural ties. It is perfectly legal to tackle Taiwan under Chinese Law. There is no foreign interference here. We will take concrete action to curb Taiwan’s independence and ensure that China takes its control.

Editorial Perspective

Expansionist China is trying to annex Taiwan, which calls for global efforts of resistance.