Monitor end users of arms manufactured by you : MoD appeals to arms manufacturers

New Delhi – The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has warned private arms manufacturers to closely monitor the end users of their products.

1. Earlier this year, a report by ‘Eurasian Times’ surfaced alleging that 155 mm ‘Made in India’ artillery shells were being used in Ukraine. However, Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal refuted these claims in a press conference, stating that no weapons from India had been sent to Ukraine. Subsequently, the Ministry of Defence issued a warning to private arms manufacturing companies, urging them to rigorously adhere to ‘End User Certification’ norms to ascertain the destination of exported arms. Currently, there are restrictions on Indian arms sales to Ukraine, Turkey, China, and Pakistan.

2. Recently, Spain disclosed that it denied entry at its port, to a Danish-flagged ship carrying explosives from India to Israel. The vessel, sailing from Chennai to Haifa, contained weapons; however, it remains unclear whether these weapons were of Indian origin. When questioned about the incident, Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal stated that there was no available information regarding the matter.

3. The United Nations reported that over the past two years, the Myanmar Army received weapons and related items worth Rs 420 crore from Indian companies. Evidence suggests that these weapons were utilised by the military to perpetrate violence against the population.