Social Worker Medha Patkar found guilty in defamation case

  • Possibility of 2 years imprisonment
  • Incumbent Delhi Deputy Governor V K Saxena was defamed 24 years ago
V K Saxena (left) and Medha Patkar
Courtesy : India TV Hindi

New Delhi – Saket Court in Delhi has convicted Medha Patkar, founder of the Narmada Bachao Andolan, in a defamation case dating back 24 years.

The present Lt. Governor of Delhi, V K Saxena, had filed the petition against Medha Patkar. At the time, V K Saxena was the president of the NGO ‘National Council for Civil Liberties’ in Ahmedabad and released an advertisement against Medha Patkar and the Narmada Bachao Andolan, an organisation opposing the Sardar Sarovar project. In response, Medha Patkar filed a suit against V K Saxena, who later countered with a defamation suit against her. The Court has now found Medha Patkar guilty in this case, and she faces a possible sentence of up to 2 years imprisonment. She is yet to comment on the verdict.

In its verdict, the Court stated :

1. Medha Patkar has committed an offense punishable under Section 500 of the Indian Penal Code, making her guilty. She deliberately defamed the complainant.

2. All the allegations made by Medha Patkar were intended solely to defame the complainant.

3. Medha Patkar’s actions have genuinely damaged V K Saxena’s reputation and credibility.