Factors which influence the spiritual state of an individual are independent of his gender

The study was conducted by Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay using the UAS (Universal Aura Scanner)

To study if the spiritual state of an individual is dependent on the gender, a study was conducted by Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay using the UAS (Universal Aura Scanner). This research has received ‘Outstanding Presentation Award’ in The 8th International World Conference on Women’s Studies (WCWS), held in Sri Lanka ! Paratpar Guru Dr. Athavale is the author of this research paper, Mr. Sean Clarke being the co-author.

Mr. Rupesh Laxman Redkar

For this study, considering the spiritual level (Note 1) and spiritual distress (Note 2), 24 seekers,12 women and 12 men, were selected. Every group had 3 seekers, thus UAS readings of 4 groups of women and 4 groups of men, were taken.

Analysis of the observations of the study is given below.

Mr. Ashish Sawant using the U.A.S. device for the experiment

Note 1 – Spiritual level : If God’s spiritual level is considered 100 percent and the level of non-living objects is considered as 1 percent, then the spiritual level of a common man is 20 percent. By doing spiritual practice, when spiritual level becomes 60 percent, the person starts getting detached from the Great Illusion (Maya), dissolution of his mind begins and he is able to imbibe the thoughts from the Cosmic consciousness. After death, he is liberated from the cycle of birth and death and attains a place in the Maharloka. Individuals with spiritual level more than 70 percent are called ‘Saints’.

Note 2 – Spiritual distress : Having spiritual distress means that there are negative vibrations in the individual. Negative vibrations less than 30 percent indicate mild spiritual distress, 30 to 49 indicate medium distress and more than 50 percent indicate severe spiritual distress. Spiritual distress is due to spiritual reasons like destiny, ancestors’ distress, etc. Spiritual distress can be understood by Saints and seekers capable of perceiving the subtle dimension.

1. Observations of the study

Components Negative Energy aura  (metre) Positive Energy aura   (metre)
Infrared Energy Ultraviolet Energy
Group 1 – Female seekers with severe spiritual distress and less than 60% spiritual level
Female seeker 1 23.82 18.87 3.83
Female seeker 2 19.58 15.77 11.94
Female seeker 3 20.88 15.98  4.78
Average of  Group 1 21.43 16.87 6.85
Group 2 – Male seekers with severe spiritual distress and less than 60% spiritual level
Male seeker 1 38.50 35.17 0
Male seeker 2 26.33 20.16 3.80
Male seeker 3 38.50 34.76 2.06
Average of  Group 2 34.44 30.03  1.95
Group 3 – Female seekers with severe spiritual distress and more than 60% spiritual level
Female seeker 1 11.73 6.70 14.12
Female seeker 2 18.58 14.43 7.73
Female seeker 3 15.13 10.76 11.48
Average of  Group 3 15.15 10.63 11.11
Group 4 – Male seekers with severe spiritual distress and more than 60% spiritual level
Male seeker 1 11.54 8.54 18.27
Male seeker 2 14.17 9.56 10.87
Male seeker 3 18.43 12.25 18.02
Average of  Group 4 14.71 10.12 15.72
Group 5 – Female seekers with no spiritual distress and less than 60% spiritual level
Female seeker 1   9.64 6.32 12.78
Female seeker 2 10.74  6.70 17.62
Female seeker 3 14.06 10.18 8.57
Average of  Group 5 11.48 7.73 12.99
Group 6 – Male seekers with no spiritual distress and less than 60% spiritual level
Male seeker 1 22.74 19.63 4.54
Male seeker 2 20.50 14.93 5.74
Male seeker 3 17.36 14.46  4.12
Average of  Group 6 20.20 16.34 4.80
Group 7 – Female seekers with no spiritual distress and more than 60% spiritual level
Female seeker 1 16.60 14.32 10.33
Female seeker 2 12.58 9.30 19.68
Female seeker 3 12.73 7.18 14.13
Average of  Group 7 13.97 10.27 14.71
Group 8 – Male seekers with no spiritual distress and more than 60% spiritual level
Male seeker 1 10.63 5.84 20.85
Male seeker 2 16.86 13.30 24.68
Male seeker 3   5.95 3.36 23.80
Average of  Group 8 11.15 7.50 23.11

2. Analysis of the observations in the study : From the observations of the table, following points are apparent.

A. Comparing ‘Group 1’ and ‘Group 2’ which fall under ‘Spiritual level less than 60 percent and having severe spiritual distress’ the average negative Energy aura of women is less than that of men. At the same time, average positive Energy aura of women is more than that of men.

B. Comparing ‘Group 3’ and ‘Group 4’ falling under ‘Spiritual level above 60 percent and severe spiritual distress’, there is no significant difference between the average negative Energy auras of women and men, but the average positive Energy aura of men is slightly higher than that of women.

C. Comparing ‘Group 5’  and ‘Group 6’ which fall under ‘Less than 60 percent spiritual level and no spiritual distress’, the average negative Energy aura of women is less than that of men, and the average positive Energy aura of women is more than that of men.

D. Comparing ‘Group 7’ and ‘Group 8’ which fall under ‘Spiritual level more than 60 percent and no spiritual distress’, the average negative Energy aura of women is slightly higher than that of men, while the average positive Energy aura of men is slightly higher than that of women.

E. Looking at the observations of the factors in all the groups from 1 to 8, there is no difference in the amount of negative or positive Energy auras between men and women due to gender differences alone.

3. Spiritual state of an individual is independent of gender :

There is no difference in the spiritual state of seekers doing spiritual practice (sadhana) based on their gender. Differences are found among individuals due to their spiritual level and spiritual distress. This was noted from this study.

When a person diligently and consistently does the right spiritual practice, the person’s spiritual distress decreases and his spiritual level increases rapidly, be it a woman or a man !’

– Mr. Rupesh Laxman Redkar, Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay, Goa. (2.4.2023)

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