Jihadi mentality growing fast in Hunsur (Karnataka) : Pramod Muthalik, Founder, Shree Ram Sena

Shree Ram Sena founder Pramod Muthalik
Courtesy : Deccan Herald

Hunsur – “Jihadi mentality is growing rapidly among the people of Hunsur. Jihadis are killing Hindu youth. Also, Hindu youth are being forced to commit suicide,” stated Pramod Mutalik, Founder of Shree Ram Sena. He has cautioned the Police and the Government in this regard.

Jihadis had killed Mutturaj, son of Ravi from Dasanpur in Hunsur taluka recently. Muthalik met the family of the deceased Mutturaj and consoled them. “The culprits in this case should be punished. Hindu organisations will render support to the family to fight the legal battle against the accused,” assured Muthalik. Muthalik also discussed the matter with some eminent persons in the village. Few days ago, Punit, a Hindu from K R Nagar, was also killed similar to Mutturaj. In both these cases, Jihadis were the attackers.

Editorial Perspective

Such incidents are happening in Karnataka due to its rapid Islamisation. What else can we expect in a State ruled by Congress ?