On the 83rd Birth Anniversary of Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Atavale on 30th May 2024

Meaning of some terms related to the word ‘subtle’

1. Subtle world : That which cannot be comprehended by the five sense organs, but whose existence is comprehended by the one who performs spiritual practice is known as the ‘subtle world’. Various Scriptures contain reference to the subtle world and knowledge.

2. Seeing, hearing in the subtle, etc. (Receiving knowledge through the five subtle sense organs) : The subtle vision of some seekers is awakened – they can perceive what the physical eyes cannot see, some seekers can hear sounds or words in the subtle.

3. Subtle analysis : ‘Subtle analysis’ is that in which the chitta (Subconscious mind) understands about an event or a process.