China and Saudi Arabia oppose reduction in plastic production

Ottawa – The 4th round of the International Conference held in Canada, to decide how to free the world from plastic pollution remained inconclusive. A lack of unity was seen among the countries for a reduction in the production of plastic. But they have decided to continue this discussion, of reducing plastic production, in the fifth meeting session beginning on 25th November in Busan in South Korea.

1. French journalist Christophe Bechu said, China and Saudi Arabia, the major petrochemical manufacturing countries, oppose the reduction in plastic production.

2. In 2015, a decision was taken that to prevent the earth from facing climate change, the planet’s average temperature should not increase more than 1.5 Celsius than the pre-industrialisation period.

3. In 2017, the ‘United Nations Environment Assembly formed a group of experts to advise on methods of removing plastic pollution. This group had presented and advised means to slowly remove plastic.

4. Then in 2019 the ‘United Nations Environment Assembly’ took a decision to continue its work of protecting the world from plastic pollution.

5. Production of plastic generates 2.5 billion tonnes of carbon annually and creates 220 million tonnes of garbage. Plastic pollution also increases the temperature of the oceans, which then increases the earth’s average temperature.