Do ‘Minorities’ have a licence to Riot in the country ?
Hindus cannot make factual statements about other religions, and if anyone does, he has to deal with the Law !
Hindus cannot make factual statements about other religions, and if anyone does, he has to deal with the Law !
It is crystal clear that our own Hindu brothers in our own country have turned against us. This is the real tragedy !
We always say that every Indian should boycott Chinese goods; but, we are found wanting in practising what we preach !
Over time, the words ‘Secular’ and ‘Socialist’ have played a dangerous role in Indian politics, education and culture !
In this moment today, how can we handle the terrible crisis that has befallen our culture and geographical existence ?
‘VISION 2030 – Nehemiah PUSH’ is designed to convert half of the Indian population to Christianity by making 4,00,000 Churches in every nook and corner of our country.
The so-called Rightists are collapsing under the weight of certain words the Leftists have heaped upon their heads !
The Judicial system should be indigenous. Today’s system imitates the West and follows the path laid down by them !
An undeserving individual doesn’t become wiser or a deserving candidate just by assuming an important role !
The way British colonized & ruled over India for many years, the same way the US is planning the colonization of India !