Despite a complaint about the cow smuggling in Rajasthan, the Police remain inactive

Insensitive and anti-Hindu Police of Rajasthan! Not only Hindus and but also cows are equally unsafe in the Congress regime.*Such Police must be dismissed and imprisoned for life These dormant and crass police officers compel the ‘Gorakshak’ to take to streets to protect cows. Still, they are called ‘anti-social elements’. Bharatpur (Rajasthan) – A resident … Read more

When will the ban on cow slaughter, cow-smuggling and illegal slaughterhouses be imposed? – Mr. Sanjay Sharma, Shrishivachhatrapati Goraksha Jan Andolan

‘Strictly implement the ban on cow slaughter law’ – Unanimous demand in a special webinar Mumbai – ‘While there is an Act banning the cow slaughter, cows are being slaughtered in a broad daylight all over the State. We have gathered information along with evidence about all the cow slaughter and cow-smuggling taking place in … Read more

Possibility of cow slaughter in the place of first Hindu temple on Eid

The likelihood of the first Hindu temple in Pakistan being materialised has minimised because of the agitations of some hardcore Muslim organisations. Before this, the Pakistan Government had announced a financial help of Rs. 10 crore for the construction of the temple.

10 years of imprisonment and a penalty of 5 lakhs for cow slaughterers in U.P

The U.P Government approved a draft ordinance making a provision for the maximum imprisonment term to ten years from the existing seven years and maximum penalty to 5 lakhs from three lakhs. The Uttar Pradesh Prevention of Cow Slaughter Act, 1955 was implemented in the State on January 6, 1956.